Tuesday, May 6, 2008

internet video killed the radio and the tv star

So I ran around looking at all the sites. While many of them are very fine and dandy, I would say that YouTube is still boss. I mean literally you can find anything on that crazy site. What I ended finding that was something I hadn't thought about looking at before were the how to videos. There is a guy on there that does quite a few videos on how to watercolor and the many techniques involved. So basically a Bob Ross video on watercoloring, but at my own speed and for free. How cool is that?! I could easily see those do it yourself and learning tools being applied to our library website. Wouldn't it be great if we even had more videos about how to use the library and the tools within the library. For example, show some videos of how best to look up items using the catalog, or show a video on how to use the microfilm machine. Or even better you could have information videos about art like what I found, or how to build a fence, cement a walk, whatever. You could just keep adding to it all the time.

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